The Little Red Hen – a musical with 3a

I’m sure you know the story of the lazy animals that won’t help with the work involved with baking bread but want to help eating the bread? At the end it is clear that the lazy animals will be willing to help out the next time. Of course the musical has to do with us and with our school life. Are we lazy or do we make a contribution? The final song included the text, “Let’s make this school a sharing school in every way we can”. 

3a started learning the songs and texts at the beginning of the term in the English music lesson. The children held in-official rehearsals themselves in craft lessons, at break-times and advertised for our musical all round the school. We performed to a packed room on both 1st and 2nd December. The hard work paid off.  3a is a brilliant team and each child made a big contribution to the success of this event. The parents had good reason to be proud of their children’s performance. 

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